African advertising agencies: 2 extracts

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Keri-Ann Stanton (BE) managing director of Engage Joe Public, a public relations agency. She (SAY) global communication companies (BUY) or (PARTNER) with many African agencies over the last two years. The growing number of mobile devices (HELP) the growth of locally-owned digital agencies in sub-Saharan Africa, countries south of the equator. Keri-Ann Stanton says these agencies (CREATE) their own niche, or specialized market, and (WIN) plenty of praise.

Africa (CLAIM) to be the “mobile continent” because so many people (USE) wireless technology there. There (BE) predictions that the ability to connect to high-speed Internet (INCREASE) 20 times over the next five years. Studies (FIND) there (BE) an estimated 930 million mobile users in Africa by the end of 2019.